Ivy Isle Foundation of Texas, a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation along with Beta Phi Omega Chapter Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. thank you for considering the following ways to support this event. All proceeds fund local scholarships and charitable projects in
Galveston Texas. Your continued support is imperative to the success of the 2019 Gala.
$ 3,000 Royalty Sponsor
Recognition at Gala & in souvenir book plus full-page ad,
VIP Table of 10, Five raffle tickets and
ten complimentary bar drinks.
$1,500 V I P Sponsor
Recognition at Gala & souvenir book, VIP Table of 10,
ten complimentary bar drinks.
Purchase online using PayPal or from any member of Ivy Isle Foundation.
Mardi Gras Souvenir Ads
To ensure high quality printing, email camera-ready ads in PDF format.
Ads can include color prints, not fuzzy, in digital form. The book
will be printed in portrait format. Please include name, email address
and phone number. If mailed, put information on back of each ad and photo.
All payments made payable to Ivy Isle Foundation
$300 Inside Front & Inside Back
$200 Full Page Color
$125 Half Page Color
Email ads to ivy.isle.foundation@gmail.com no later than Saturday, February 16, 2019.
Purchase online using PayPal or from any member of Ivy Isle Foundation.